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Redstick Welcomes Robert Goldney news story
Redstick Welcomes Robert Goldney author photo
  • Marc Aubanel
  • maubanel@cct.lsu.edu
  • Director, LSU Digital Media Arts & Engineering

Redstick Welcomes Robert Goldney

March 21, 2019

Louisiana State University

LSU Welcomes Robert Goldney

Robert will be joining us for the 2019 Redstick Pro-AM Digital Jam and we are happy to welcome him to LSU! Please join us for the event and work side by side with industry pros.

![Screenshot of game box container by artist Robert Goldney](../../../img/news/2019/oil tank1.jpg)

Robert is originally from Ottawa Ontario and currently lives in Vancouver, British Columbia. He has worked in the video game industry for 4 years at Microsoft on the Gears of War franchise, and more recently, at Electronic arts on a currently unannounced project.

Screenshot of sci-fi doorway container by artist Robert Goldney

Robert is as an environment and vehicle artist for games and has dabbled in character figurine sculpting as freelancer. Most recently I have been spending time trying to learn and master Substance Designer.

Check out more of his work on Artstation.