News Articles

- Marc Aubanel
- Director, LSU Digital Media Arts & Engineering
RedStick Esports Symposium Welcomes Kyle Langley
April 05, 2018
Louisiana State University
RedStick 2018 is proud to welcome Kyle Langley, Systems Designer, currently working on Fortnite with Epic Games. More than 40 million people have downloaded Fortnite and the game has peaked at over 2 million playing simultaneously. Fortnite Mobile is a top selling iPhone app in 13 countries. Kyle has spent many years working as a indie game developer as well as AAA experience with Sony Online Entertainment and High Moon Studios.
For anyone interested in what a game system designer does at Epic, this is the talk for you. For all Fortnite fans, this is a chance to hear from one of the creative brains behind this hit title. You can hear Kyle speak at LSU on Tuesday, April 24th at 3:00 p.m. at the Digital Media Center. Kyle's talk is called Going from an Indie to a AAA Designer. This event is free to the public and tickets are available on Eventbrite.