News Articles

- Marc Aubanel
- Director, LSU Digital Media Arts & Engineering
LSU Global Game Jam 2018
January 28, 2018
Louisiana State University
For the 10th anniversary of the Global Game Jam, LSU DMAE hosted its fourth jam.
48 Hours, 72 Jammers, 4 cases of Soylent, 13 teams whom all made games based on the theme “Transmission”. The teams interviewed for the live stream but we never made it onto the global channel. If you are interested in a game jam in the future, check out the entire segment included above.
You will be able to download all the games created and even look at how they were made on their game pages. Not only are the game executables available but also all the assets and source code if you want to find out how they were made. Contenstants included amateurs, students and professionals participated in the event.