News Articles

- Marc Aubanel
- Director, LSU Digital Media Arts & Engineering
LSU is now an ACM SIGGRAPH Student Chapter
November 28, 2016
Louisiana State University
LSU is now an ACM SIGGRAPH Student Chapter Louisiana State University ACM SIGGRAPH Student Chapter has been created. The group has a non profit status and shares in the benefits in being part of the Association for Computing Mahinery's Special Interst Group founded in 1969. Not only is there an annual event ACM SIGGRAPH but the group has access to seventy distinquished speakers that tour the country
With the new chapter a new group of officers will need to be named.
- The officers of this Chapter shall be: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. These individuals must be ACM Student Members and SIGGRAPH Members. In addition, a Faculty Sponsor with an ACM Professional Membership and a SIGGRAPH Membership is required. These officers constitute the Council. A minimum of four officers to establish a Chapter; Other officers may also be established.
- All required officers of the Chapter must be members of ACM and members of ACM SIGGRAPH.
- The officers shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast at the annual election meeting. They shall take office on November / 23 and serve for one year. [It is highly recommended that the Chapter's election be held at the last meeting in the fall with the new officers taking office in January. This provides for a period of transition from the outgoing Council to the incoming Council as well as providing continuity of management and planning over the summer. If your school operates on a quarter or trimester system, choose a timing that serves the same objectives.
- No member may serve in the office of Chair or Vice Chair for more than two consecutive years.
I strongly recommend that DMAE students become active participants in this chapter.