News Articles

- Marc Aubanel
- Director of LSU Digital Media Arts & Engineering
LSU Video Game Symposium
June 13, 2016
Louisiana State University
LSU held the first Video Game Symposium on April 21st at the Digital Media Center on campus. On hand we had Dan Ayoub and Josh Holmes who are studio leaders at 343 Industries who build Halo for Microsoft. We also had a talk by Edward Kilham who worked on early hits such as Start Wars Tie Fighter and Robo Sport and is now at Electronic Arts and is working on FIFA. Daniel Dociu and Drew Cady came from NC Soft who both work on Guild Wars 2. We also had guests from Heavy Iron, Nintendo, Amazon, Guild Software, Gearbox Software, Turbo Squid, High Voltage Games, InXile and Skybound Interactive. Students and local studios showed off games they have been working on over the past couple of years and a good time was had by all. A complete list of all talks is available on the website. For more information you can see the story in the Advocate