January 09, 2019 - Invalid date
IGDA January Meet Up Baton Rouge
The Londoner 2nd Floor
4215 S Sherwood Forest Blvd, Baton Rouge January 09, 2019 - 7:00 PM until:
Invalid date - Invalid date
Monthly meetings consist of a wide variety of topics ranging from relative news in the industry to presentations from guest speakers. We meet on the first Wednesday of every month around 7pm at the address below.
As usual, we will also have food sponsored by the Louisiana Technology Park. Drinks and mingling start at 7pm on the Second Floor with the talk/demos starting around 7:45pm.
This month's IGDA will be held on the second Wednesday of this month (1/9) due to holiday scheduling.
Are you attending the Global Game Jam later this month or want to know more about what game jams are and how you can be a part of them? You're in luck!
Our speaker this month will be Cody Louviere, of the LA Tech Park and King Crow Studios, and he'll explain what a game jam is, how you can get involved, and some things to expect during the upcoming Global Game Jam (1/25-1/27). If you're new to game jams or just want to hear some pointers please stop by and enjoy the food and festivities with us to start the new year off right!
Feel free to drop by anytime!
Meeting Location: First Wednesday every month at 7pm
Upstairs at The Londoner 4215 S Sherwood Forest Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA 70816