- Marc Aubanel
- maubanel@cct.lsu.edu
- Director of LSU Digital Media Arts & Engineering
The Snow
May 11, 2022
Louisiana State University
The Snow was the very first production to be created on the LSU LED Volume. It was part of the new class ART 4240 Virtual Production that LSU offered in spring of 2022. Students from Digital Art, Computer Science, DMAE, English and Film all took part.
The students only had about two thirds of the semester as the wall only got installed around Easter. Even though everyone, facutly and students, were new to Virtual Production, we were still able to create a competent short film. This goes to show the possibilities of the technology as this was really experimental full of reshooting and endless trouble shooting.
The class used Unreal, Assimilate, OptiTrack Motion Capture, ROE Digital LED Panels and a RED Komodo 6K camera. The students created original scene in Unreal, and also filmed 360 video and projected it on the wall (the Mardi Gras scene). The class used a treadmill for simulating walking down a hallway where the camera moved in the game and not on the set.
Students could really go wild unleashinbg their imagination to go from the desert to New Orleans to a weird office building and finally outer space. Virtual Production opened up many story and idea possibilities on a small budget.
Navigate to The Art of Virtual Production and 225 Magazine to read more.