News Articles

- Marc Aubanel
- Director, LSU Digital Media Arts & Engineering
Virtual Reality Day - Nov 18th
October 17, 2017
Louisiana State University
Washington State University, Norther Arizona University, and The University of Hong Kong are just a few participants in a self-declared Virtual Reality Day on November 18th. The goal is general outreach and education about the potential of VR. If anyone is interested in holding it at LSU please email Marc Aubanel
It’s hard to say at the moment whether 2017 is a critical year or not for the VR/AR industry. We do know that for any company, startup or established, driving interest, and generating revenue is always of paramount importance.
Further, AR/VR is not mainstream yet. It’s getting closer. But, you’ll be hard pressed to find anyone that has had a high-end VR experience with the Microsoft HoloLens, the Oculus Rift, or the HTC Vive.
We want to help to change that. And so, we decided to put a stake in the ground and designate Saturday, November 18th, 2017 as a global Virtual Reality Day.
We chose this day because it’s the last Saturday before Black Friday, and the start of the holiday shopping season. It’s also a day when most students, grade, high school and college are still in school before their Thanksgiving break. Also, by having it on the weekend, it allows parents to bring their children.
We’d like to encourage individuals and groups to organize a free public VR event on this day on any topic you like. It could be introducing VR for the first time to people, or focused on a vertical topic of your choice, with the goal to educate and inform.
We have close to 20 different organizations, ranging from small startups to university VR/AR clubs, actively organizing public events for that day.
This is a completely voluntary and grassroots effort. It’s about bringing the energies and interests of the greater community together, and focusing that energy for the benefit of everyone on one special day.
Reach out and work with us to make this an event that benefits you, the public, and the greater VR/AR industry as a whole.