November 16, 2015 - Invalid date
Avengers Age of Ultron
DMAE Film Series
DMC Theater
LSU , Digital Media Center (DMC), Baton Rouge November 16, 2015 - 7:00 PM until:
Invalid date - Invalid date
Please join us for a FREE movie night at the Digital Media Center at LSU. We will be featuring Marvel Age of Ultron with special guest CG Supervisor Chad Wiebe, who worked on the film.
Chad Wiebe has been working on feature films since 2000 and has worked on X2, Catwomen, X-Men The Last Stand, Superman Returns, Dragonball: Evolution, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse and Final Destination 5 to name a few. Chad will be joining us over Skype, and will share some of his experiences working on the film and take questions from the audience.
"In a forest in the fictional Eastern European country of Sokovia, the terrorists of Hydra....
Hey! Wait, I'm not finished! Who shouted "Action"?
You guessed it. The sequel "Avengers: Age of Ultron" doesn't waste a nanosecond before plunging us into its particular hurly-burly of superhero-meets-foe combat.
Make that "superheroes." The plural matters here. Perhaps even more (certainly differently) than it does in that other crowded, very fine Marvel franchise, "X-Men."
Those dear mutants unite initially because of their minority, often misunderstood, status. The Avengers are a collection of outsize talents, often with bigger egos, bound in defense of humankind.
The gang from 2012's ridiculously entertaining "Avengers" is all here. In the heroic hubris department, there's Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Steve Rogers/Captain America (Chris Evans). A little less vain but pretty darn glorious are Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and Clint Barton/Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner). In a tormented class all his own resides Bruce Banner/Hulk (Mark Ruffalo).
Writer-director Joss Whedon continues to explore the challenges of teamwork and heroism, without losing a beat of action or a single quip. If anything, there's more of each, done better. Heck, Eugene O'Neill gets a shoutout.
Whedon is also attuned to the twisted roots of villainy. "Age of Ultron" provides a few versions: the ache for revenge, ye ol' desire for world domination, and the good technological intention gone terribly awry. Whedon & Co. provide more than enough glib jokes, FX spectacles and sweet human insights to make "Age of Ultron" a popcorn must for the rest of us in need of a little comic-book wisdom right about now.” - The Denver Post, Lisa Kennedy