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Let's Geaux to Cannes! news story
Let's Geaux to Cannes! author photo
  • Marc Aubanel
  • maubanel@cct.lsu.edu
  • Director, LSU Digital Media Arts & Engineering

Let's Geaux to Cannes!

March 18, 2022

Louisiana State University

You will have the opportunity for a guided learning experience at the largest and oldest film festival and film market in the world, the Cannes Film Festival. Attendees from more than 120 countries will be there to experience over 100 conference and more than 4,000 films. You will be there with them!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet and work alongside professional producers, directors, and actors when filmmakers from all over the world converge on the small town of Cannes, France.

THTR at Cannes is a fast-paced two week immersion in al things film: both the business side and the art side.

More information can be found at: Academic Programs Abroad